Mary Poppins Returns is a 2018 American musical film produced by Disney, directed by Rob Marshall, loosely based on the book series Mary Poppins by P. L. Travers, the film is a live-action/traditionally animated sequel to the 1964 live-action/traditionally animated film Mary Poppins, and stars Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins.
- (Underneath the) Lovely London Sky
- A Conversation
- Can You Imagine That?
- The Royal Doulton Music Hall
- A Cover is Not the Book
- The Place Where Lost Things Go
- Turning Turtle
- Trip a Little Light Fantastic
- The Place Where Lost Things Go (Reprise)
- Trip a Little Light Fantastic (Reprise)
- Nowhere to Go But Up
- (Underneath the) Lovely London Sky (Reprise)
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