My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale is an 2D animated kids Youtube Series based on the story of feature-length film titled My Little Pony: A New Generation, which was released on September 24, 2021 on Netflix. The film follows adventures of Mane 5: Sunny Starscout, Hitch Trailblazer, Izzy Moonbow, Pipp Petals and Zipp Storm. The series has different voice cast from the movie. The first episode was released on 7 April, 2022.
My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale Season 1 Songs:
- Work, Work, Work
- Nothing We Can’t Do
- Let Out Your Light
- The Bunny Hip Hop
- Do The Pony Hip Hop
- Hitch’s Detective Song
- All for the Love of Trash
- The Sneeze Song
- Rule 4 That
- My Bananas
- Party Party Party
- Monster Party
- Street Heart
- Sweetest Time of the Year