Spirit Untamed is an DreamWorks Animation’ 3D animated film which was released on 4 June 2021. It’s sequel to Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron (2002) and based on the Netflix series Spirit Riding Free. The film has 5 songs and a lot of reprises of them. Taylor Swift rewrites her song “Wildest Dreams“ for the movie.
- Be Fearless, Fortuna! (Milagro’s version)
- Better With You
- Join Up (Abigail’s version)
- Fearless (Lucky’s version)
- Join Up
- Fearless (Jim’s version)
- You Belong by Becky G (credits)
- Fearless (Valiente Duet) by Isabela Merced & Eiza Gonzalez (credits)
- Wildest Dreams (Spirit Untamed version) by Taylor Swift