Vivo is an American 3D animated musical film produced by Sony Pictures Animation. The film is directed by Kirk DeMicco and co-directed by Brandon Jeffords. Songs were written by Lin-Manuel Miranda, who voices the title character. The film marks Sony Pictures Animation’s first musical film. It contains 11 songs. The film was intended for a theatrical release but was bought by Netflix and will be released on August 6, 2021. Vivo Official Soundtrack was released on 6 August, 2021 along with the release of movie.
- One Of A Kind
- Mambo Cabana
- One More Song
- My Own Drum
- Keep the Beat
- Love’s Gonna Pick You Up
- Tough Crowd
- One More Song (Reprise)
- Running Out Of Time
- Inside Your Heart
- Grand Finale
- ¡Presente!
You have a new fan!
You have a new fan
Pls what fan?
Hey vivo and Gabi l love your song l am your fan
You have a new fan
Vivo and gabi I am your biggest fan