Steven Universe is a Cartoon Network animated television series created by Rebecca Sugar that focuses on a young boy named Steven, the youngest member of the Crystal Gems, a team of magical guardians who protect the Earth. The show premiered on Cartoon Network on November 4, 2013, in the U.S and series finale, “Change Your Mind”, aired on January 21, 2019. A film adaptation of the series, entitled Steven Universe: The Movie premiered on September 2, 2019. The show succeeded by an epilogue show, entitled Steven Universe Future. The series takes place after the events of the movie and premiered on December 7, 2019. It ended on March 27, 2020.
Songs by Characters
List of Songs:
Steven Universe Theme Song
Season 1:
- We Are the Crystal Gems
- Cookie Cat
- Let Me Drive My Van (into Your Heart)
- Giant Woman
- Strong in the Real Way
- Do or Do Nut
- Steven and the Stevens
- Big Fat Zucchini
- Steven and the Crystal Gems
- Dear Old Dad
- Be Wherever You Are
- On the Run
- Li’l Butler Theme
- Comet
- Destiny
- Lapis Lazuli
- Wailing Stone
- Stronger Than You
Season 2
- Full Disclosure
- We Are the Crystal Gems” (full song)
- The Jam Song
- Do It for Her
- What Can I Do (For You)
- Tower of Mistakes
- Haven’t You Noticed (I’m a Star)
- Something Entirely New
- Peace and Love on the Planet Earth
Season 3
- Don’t Cost Nothing
- Empire City
- Mr. Greg
- It’s Over Isn’t It
- Both of You
- Don’t Cost Nothing (Reprise)
- I Think I Need a Little (Change)
- Let Me Drive My Van (into Your Wash)
- Love Like You
Season 4
- Here Comes a Thought
- Still Not Giving Up
- I Could Never Be (Ready)
- What’s the Use of Feeling (Blue)?
- Potluck
Season 5
- The Working Dead
- Sadie Killer and the Suspects
- G-G-G-Ghost
- That Distant Shore
- Ruby Rider
- Let’s Only Think About (Love)
- Familiar
- Escapism
- Let Me Ska My Van Into Your Heart
- We Are The Crystal Gems
- Change Your Mind
Steven Universe: The Movie
- The Tale of Steven
- Let Us Adore You
- Happily Ever After
- Other Friends
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- Who We Are
- Isn’t It Love?
- No Matter What
- Disobedient
- Independent Together
- Drift Away
- Found
- True Kinda Love
- Change
- Let Us Adore You (Reprise)
- Finale
Steven Universe Future
- Steven Universe Future Theme Song
- The Tidying Song
- Shining Through
- Looking Forward
- Cam’s Camshafts
- I’d Rather Be Me (With You)
- Dear Old Dad
- Mr. Universe
- My Little Reason Why
- Cookie Cat