Peace and Love on the Planet Earth is a song from Cartoon Network TV Series “Steven Universe” season 2 episode “Gem Glow”. The song is sung by Steven, Peridot, Amethyst, Pearl and Garnet and performed by Zach Callison, Shelby Rabara, Michaela Dietz, Deedee Magno-Hall and Estelle.
Peace and Love on the Planet Earth Lyrics
Steven: Life and death and love and birth,
And peace and war on the planet Earth.
Is there anything that’s worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth
Oh – Whooah, come on and sing it with me…
Peridot: Sing?
Steven: The words relate to the key…
Peridot: Key?
Steven: If it’s a pattern,
If it’s a pattern,
Then just repeat after me…
Life and death and love and birth-
Peridot: Life and death and love and birth-
Steven: Now you sing mi-fa-mi-mi-fa-mi-ti-la!
Both] And peace and war on the planet Earth!
Steven: Yes, yes! That’s it!
Peridot: That’s so easy.
Steven: Yeah, but that’s what’s fun about it.
You should write something, you should write a song!
Peridot: About what?
Steven: Whatever you’re thinking!
Peridot: I guess we’re already here,
I guess we already know.
We’ve all got something to fear,
We’ve all got nowhere to go.
I think you’re all INSANE!
But I guess I am too…
Anybody would be
If they were stuck on Earth with you.
Steven: Hahaha yes!
Life and death and love and birth and-
Amethyst: Life and death and love and birth and-
Pearl: Life and death and love and birth and
Peace and war on the planet Earth.
Garnet: Is there anything that’s worth more?
Steven: Is there anything that’s worth more?
Peridot: Is there anything that’s worth more
Than peace and love on the planet Earth…