The Girl Who Has Everything

The Girl Who Has Everything is a song from Season 3 Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure Special episode 12 “Cassandra’s Revenge”. The song is sung by Rapunzel, performed by Mandy Moore.

The Girl Who Has Everything Lyrics

Rapunzel: I was always taught nobody’s got it all  
And I never thought I had a shot at all  
But to my surprise look at how lucky I’ve been  

Freedom to explore  
Work that I love to do  
Friends that I adore  
Specially, well, you-know-who  
I’m not keeping score  
Still though, I pretty much win  

Yes, I get to be the girl who has everything  
The world on a golden string  
And somehow it’s mine  
Just look at me, the girl who has everything  
And I can tell everything  
Is gonna be fine  

Think of all I’ve done  
Life’s really tested me  
Sometimes I have won  
Sometimes it’s bested me  
Things got pretty dark  
Now though the dawn’s comin’ through  

Yes, now I’m safe and sound  
Back with my family  
When I look around I see how things can be  
Everywhere I turn there’s so much more I can do
And I get to be  
The girl who has everything  
The blessings this world can bring  
All falling in line  

Somehow that’s me  
The girl who has everything  
Well, practically everything  
I’m sure there’s more everything  
For now,  I’ve got everything  
And everything’s fine  

The Girl Who Has Everything (Reprise)

The Girl Who Has Everything (Reprise) Lyrics

Rapunzel: I’m gonna be the girl who has everything  
As soon as he wears this ring  
And swears that he’s mine  
True, we don’t know what obstacles fate may bring
But why put off everything  
When we can share everything
‘Cause once he’s my everything…  
Then everything will be fine  

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