Super Deany to the Rescue is a song from Disney’s TV Series The Rocketeer season 1 episode 15a “Super Deany”. The song is sung by Super Deany And citizens.
Super Deany to the Rescue Lyrics
Up in the sky, it’s not a bird
Or a plane
Or just some random guy
He’s the newest superhero
and he’s learned how to fly
He’s no meanie
I’m Super Deany!
Super Deany to the rescue
Super Deany to the rescue
Look, the cows have gone astray
Don’t worry,
Super Deany’s here to save the day
Let’s thank him with a moo
A cheer and hooray
He’s no meanie
I’m Super Deany!
Super Deany to the rescue
It’s fun!
Super Deany to the rescue
I’m no meanie
I’m Super Deany!