Hazbin Hotel is an adult animated web series created by Vivienne Medrano, with songs written by Parry Gripp. The pilot episode, “That’s Entertainment”, was released on October 28, 2019. On August 7, 2020, it was announced that Hazbin had officially been picked up for a TV series by A24.
Pilot Songs:
- I’m Always Chasing Rainbows
- Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow
- Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow (Alastor’s Reprise)
- Addict
Series Songs
- Happy Day in Hell
- Hell is Forever
- Stayed Gone
- It Starts With Sorry
- Respectless
- Whatever It Takes
- Poison
- Loser, Baby
- Hell’s Greatest Dad
- More Than Anything
- Welcome to Heaven
- You Didn’t Know
- Out For Love
- Ready For This
- More Than Anything (Reprise)
- The Show Must Go On (Finale)